Venues, Events & Stadiums

Predictive Preventive Real-time Proactive Active Security Alerts

X-Alert: Predictive & Proactive Event and Venue Security

Increased situational awareness at events and venues

A new way of crowd management.

Working together with our partner organizations on the ground at events, and with the use of our close proximity detectors, officers and event management teams get an even better picture of how event attendees move throughout the venue.


In addition, on the basis of algorithms, configurations, and self -learning AI, officers get Predictive Alerts that work in a preventative capacity.


We enable you to see in real time how the public is moving, where congestion points are, and where disruptions may take place.

Venue and Event Security + Insights with predictive alerts

In order for an event run safely, the control room needs a full picture (crowd management) of a fluid situation, in real time.

The density of crowds, the number of people at the event, or the number of people in a given area at any specific time is crucial to ensuring the safety and enjoyment of everyone. Identifying disruptive persons or incidents can be a critical and often time-sensitive matter.

Security officers should receive preventive and predictive security alerts prior to a dangereus event occurring – preventing escalations, minimizing property damage, and saving lives. 

Venue & Event Security + Insights by detecting wireless identifiers

We live in a time when all devices are connected in a multitude of ways and every device has a unique identifier.

Every type of device (smartphone, wearable, earbuds, info systems, vehicles, e-bikes, etc.) is constantly sending identifiers out into the spectrum. All devices utilizing the following spectrums can be detected: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GSM, EDGE, LTE and 5G. 

This means that, with X-Alert, you can have a full picture of the movements of attendees because devices don’t typically move themselves.